We are performing site upgrades to stabilize some of our feature. During this time, you may experience problems while using some functionality on the site. barusan abis raker nih jadi maintenance dimana-mana

Ukpd Schedule

Jumat : PD Jumat at Serba Guna jam 11.00-13.00 | Sabtu : PD Sabtu at Serba Guna jam 17:00-selesai Stikom Kedung Baruk | Campus Prayer : jadwal menyusul tempat : sekretariat UKPD

New Year Greetings

hi guys! ahahaha..

gimana malam tahun barunya? mantap?? keren?? ahaha setelah menunggu 5 tahun,ahirnya dapet balon juga!
jadi kebiasaan di greja gitu kan, kalo pas jam 00:00 gitu mereka ngelepas balon dari atas.
trus selama ini datengnya telat jadi dapet tempat duduknya rada belakang trus ga dapet balon (ahaha jadi curhat).
Hope everyone had a great 2009 and will have an even better 2010 and Once Happy New Year and we wish you all the best in the upcoming year! ^__^

We thank you for all the support you guys have shown us over the year and we will strive to do the best we can to serve you all again in 2010.

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