We are performing site upgrades to stabilize some of our feature. During this time, you may experience problems while using some functionality on the site. barusan abis raker nih jadi maintenance dimana-mana

Ukpd Schedule

Jumat : PD Jumat at Serba Guna jam 11.00-13.00 | Sabtu : PD Sabtu at Serba Guna jam 17:00-selesai Stikom Kedung Baruk | Campus Prayer : jadwal menyusul tempat : sekretariat UKPD

Lack of news

Sorry everyone for the lacks of news on whats going on. Things have been going a little slow but we're still around and working thats for sure.

sori kalo beritanya jarang update,soalnya udah jarang dateng PD hahaha. saya sibuk sodara.
tapi gue usahain tetep update info-info dari UKPD.

Things are still moving on the site and we're looking at ways to do things better here. sabar yah....

salam, hari


1 komentar:

Unknown said...

lupa paswordnyaa hwaaaaaa :((

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